Designed & Developed by M/s Akiko Sherman Infotech, Hosted by NIC/NICSI Content Provided by Pharmacopoeia Commission for Indian Medicine & Homoeopathy
It act as Central Drug testing cum appellate laboratory for testing of ASU&H Drugs. Lab is entrusted with the testing of ASU drugs received form Court. Beside this lab also received Homoeopathic samples from various Govt. agencies like Drug regulating authorities (DCO/DI), Port authorities and also from Central & State Govt. hospital supply.
ASU&H samples are tested as per their respective pharmacopoeias / SOP`s & as per Rules under D&C Act. Lab is well equipped with many modern & sophisticated instruments.
1. Testing/analysis of drug samples pertain to ASU&H as per Drug & Cosmetic Act 1940 & Rules thereunder 1945.
2. Impart Capacity building training to Drug regulating authorities, Drug analyst (QC personnel), Principal/ HOD & PG students (Pharmacy) of Homeopathic Medical Colleges and Drug Manufactures.
3. Lab also conduct one day exposure visit of lab for UG students / faculty of Homoeopathic medical colleges of India as per their curriculum.
Technical team